Online List of Lights

Celtic Sea

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Anzahl pro Seite einschränken

VorschauInternationaler CodeStandortNameBildnachweis
A5276West Coast Bishops and ClerksSouth BishopOLL
A5278West Coast The SmallsThe SmallsEHW
A5282South Coast Milford Haven Approaches Skokholm IslandSkokholm Island SW endIWU
A5284South Coast Milford Haven ApproachesSaint Ann's HeadIWU
A5285South Coast Milford Haven ApproachesMiddle Channel RockOLL
A5286South Coast Milford HavenLdg Lts Front West Blockhouse PointASS
A5286.1South Coast Milford HavenLts in line Auxiliary front West Blockhouse PointASS
A5286.2South Coast Milford HavenLts in line Auxiliary front West Blockhouse PointASS
A5286.3South Coast Milford HavenLdg Lts Common rear Watwick PointOLL
A5287South Coast Milford HavenGreat Castle HeadOLL
A5287.1South Coast Milford HavenLdg Lts Rear Little Castle HeadOLL
A5291South Coast Milford HavenWest Blockhouse PointOLL
A5292South Coast Milford HavenDale PointEHW
A5292.1South Coast Milford HavenDale PointOLL
A5292.2South Coast Milford HavenDale Yacht Club Landing stageOLL
A5292.39South Coast Milford HavenPopton Point Lts in line FrontOLL
A5292.395South Coast Milford HavenPopton Point Lts in line Front
A5292.4South Coast Milford HavenPopton Point Ldg Lts Common rear BulwellOLL
A5292.41South Coast Milford HavenPopton Point Ldg Lts FrontOLL
A5294South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalW endOLL
A5294.1South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 1 Berth W end
A5294.12South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 1 Berth E end
A5294.2South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 2 Berth W end
A5294.22South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 2 Berth E end
A5294.3South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 3 Berth W endOLL
A5294.32South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalNo 3 Berth E endOLL
A5294.5South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalE endEHW
A5294.7South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalSouth Hook Jetty Boat Passage W side
A5294.72South Coast Milford Haven South Hook LNG TerminalSouth Hook Jetty Boat Passage E side
A5294.9South Coast Milford HavenNewton Noyes Ldg Lts FrontOLL
A5295South Coast Milford HavenNewton Noyes Ldg Lts Common rearOLL
A5295.1South Coast Milford HavenNewton Noyes Lts in line FrontOLL
A5296South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalW endOLL
A5296.2South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 1 Berth W endOLL
A5296.22South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 1 Berth E endOLL
A5296.3South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 2 Berth W endOLL
A5296.32South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 2 Berth E endOLL
A5296.4South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalE endOLL
A5296.5South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 3 Berth E endOLL
A5296.52South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalNo 3 Berth W endOLL
A5296.7South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalBoat Passage Murco Jetty EOLL
A5296.71South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalBoat Passage Murco Jetty WOLL
A5296.8South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalLts in line FrontOLL
A5296.81South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalLts in line RearOLL
A5296.84South Coast Milford Haven Murco Marine TerminalGelliswick BayOLL
A5298South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalW endOLL
A5299South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 8 Berth W endOLL
A5299.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 8 Berth E endOLL
A5299.5South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage W Jetty W endOLL
A5299.51South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage W Jetty E endOLL
A5300South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 7 Berth W endOLL
A5300.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 7 Berth E endOLL
A5301South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 6 Berth W endOLL
A5301.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 6 Berth E endOLL
A5301.3South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage Centre W endOLL
A5301.35South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage E endOLL
A5302.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 1 Berth W endOLL
A5302.4South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 1 Berth E endOLL
A5302.6South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 2 Berth W endOLL
A5302.8South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 2 Berth E endOLL
A5303South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 3 Berth W endOLL
A5303.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalNo 3 Berth E endOLL
A5303.4South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalE endOLL
A5303.6South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalInner side No 5 Berth E endOLL
A5303.8South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalInner side No 5 Berth W endOLL
A5304South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalInner side No 4 Berth E endOLL
A5304.2South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalInner side No 4 Berth W endOLL
A5304.43South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalLts in line FrontOLL
A5304.44South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalLts in line RearOLL
A5304.5South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalLts in line FrontOLL
A5304.51South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalLts in line RearOLL
A5304.6South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage E Jetty W sideOLL
A5304.62South Coast Milford Haven Chevron TerminalBoat Passage E sideOLL
A5305South Coast Milford HavenMilford Haven Port Authority (MHPA) Jetty HeadOLL
A5307South Coast Milford HavenMilford E Pier Ldg Lts FrontOLL
A5307.1South Coast Milford HavenMilford E Pier Ldg Lts RearOLL
A5308South Coast Milford HavenMilford W Pier HeadOLL
A5310South Coast Milford HavenNewton Noyes Pier ElbowOLL
A5310.2South Coast Milford HavenNewton Noyes Pier HeadOLL
A5311South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalLts in line Front PennarOLL
A5311.1South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalLts in line Rear LlanreathOLL
A5311.2South Coast Milford HavenLdg Lts Front Wear SpitOLL
A5311.21South Coast Milford HavenLdg Lts Rear Gate 4OLL
A5313South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 1 Berth W endOLL
A5313.2South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 1 Berth E endOLL
A5313.6South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalDragon Terminal W end Ldg Lts FrontEHW
A5313.61South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalDragon Terminal W end Ldg Lts Rear
A5314South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 2 Berth W endOLL
A5314.2South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 2 Berth E endOLL
A5315South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 3 Berth W endOLL
A5315.2South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalNo 3 Berth E endOLL
A5315.6South Coast Milford Haven Petroplus TerminalE end Jetty HeadOLL
A5315.8South Coast Milford HavenPennar Outfall ChannelOLL
A5315.9South Coast Milford HavenHazelbeachEHW
A5315.95South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockCarr SpitEHW
A5316South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockLdg Lts FrontOLL
A5316.1South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockLdg Lts RearOLL
A5317South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockCarr Jetty HeadOLL
A5317.2South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockCarr Jetty ElbowOLL
A5317.6South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockRoRo Ferry Terminal NWOLL
A5317.7South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockRoRo Ferry Terminal NEOLL
A5317.72South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockDockyard BankEHW
A5317.74South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockNeyland PointEHW
A5317.76South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockNeyland Point
A5317.8South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockQuays 2 and 3 Ldg Lts FrontOLL
A5317.81South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockQuays 2 and 3 Ldg Lts RearOLL
A5317.9South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockQuay 1 W endOLL
A5318South Coast Milford Haven Pembroke DockHobbs Point Offshore Jetty W endOLL
A5319South Coast Milford HavenRiver Cleddau Cleddau Bridge NEHW
A5319.2South Coast Milford HavenRiver Cleddau Cleddau Bridge SOLL
A5319.3South Coast Milford HavenRiver Cleddau BurtonEHW
A5319.5South Coast Milford HavenRiver Cleddau Fish Farm NW end
A5319.6South Coast Milford HavenRiver Cleddau Fish Farm SE endOLL

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