Online List of Lights


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VorschauInternationaler CodeStandortNameBildnachweis
J4032Galveston Bay and ApproachesGalveston North Jetty Head No 6ACPT
J4034Galveston Bay and ApproachesGalveston South Jetty Head No 5ACPT
J4036Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelA Ldg Lts FrontCPT
J4036.1Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelA Ldg Lts RearCPT
J4037Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelB Ldg Lts FrontCPT
J4037.1Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelB Ldg Lts RearCPT
J4038Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelNorth Jetty WR 2CPT
J4039Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelBolivar Point No 21CPT
J4040Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelC Ldg Lts FrontCPT
J4040.1Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelC Ldg Lts RearCPT
J4040.8Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelSeawolf Fishing PierCPT
J4041Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelNo 2CPT
J4042Galveston Bay and Approaches Entrance ChannelNo 3CPT
J4042.4Galveston Bay and ApproachesGrasso Marine DockCPT
J4043Galveston Bay and ApproachesGalveston Island MarinaCPT
J4043.5Galveston Bay and ApproachesGalveston Terminal DockCPT
J4043.8Galveston Bay and ApproachesTexas International Terminals Turning Dolphin ECPT
J4043.81Galveston Bay and ApproachesTexas International Terminals Turning Dolphin WCPT
J4044Galveston Bay and ApproachesHouston Lighting and Power S TowerCPT
J4044.2Galveston Bay and ApproachesHouston Lighting and Power N TowerCPT

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