Alle online gestellten Bilder von Leuchtfeuern sind in der Sammlung der Online List of Lights mit einem Copyright hinterlegt. Den größten Teil haben wir in unseren Leuchtfeuer-Reisen selbst "geschossen", aber es gibt natürlich auch Fotos oder Postkarten, die nicht von uns geknipst wurden. Auch um den Bildnachweis für diese Fotos beziehungsweise Postkarten zu liefern (um praktisch den Autoren zu huldigen) ist in der Zeile der einzelnen Bilder im Leuchtfeuerindex jeweils eine Abkürzung, um auf die eigentliche Herkunft der Bilder hinzuweisen.
Alle Bilder auf den Seiten der Online List of Lights sind mit einem Copyright versehen. Die Benutzung oder das Kopieren dieser Bilder für kommerzielle Zwecke ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung ist verboten. Dies beinhaltet nicht die Benutzung für private oder Studienzwecke oder das Verlinken auf Bilder oder Seiten der Online of Lights.
Kürzel | Name | Standort | Beschreibung | Homepage | Anzahl Bilder |
ABV | Alfonso Biescas Vignau | Bilbao / Spain | Mis Faros blog | 56 | |
ADC | Armada de Chile | Valparaiso / Chile | Armada de Chile Homepage | 1 | |
AEH | Artcolor | Hamm / Germany | Artcolor books | 1 | |
AFX | Andreas Fix | Gilching / Germany | 4 | ||
AGT | Alain Garceau | Trois-Rivieres / Canada | Alain Garceau Photographie | 32 | |
AKB | Andreas Köhler | Berlin / Germany | Leuchttürme und Genealogie | 1.021 | |
ALE | Alex98 | | 1 | ||
ALP | Antonio | Lisbon / Portugal | | 1 | |
AMI | Al Morris | Ireland | 1 | ||
ASS | Arno Siering | Saulheim / Germany | Arno + Evelin Siering | Siering's interest | 656 |
BAB | Brigitte Adam | Berlin / Germany | 25 | ||
BJM | Bjarne Skogvik | Mauseidvåg / Norway | Bjarne Skogvik Photography | 1 | |
BPF | Bjørn Poulsen | Færør Islands | | 27 | |
BPN | Bjarne Pettersen | Norway | | 1 | |
BSA | Bruce Sutherland | Aberdeen / UK | | 1 | |
BSG | Alec Scott | Gravesend / UK | Bob Scott | | 1 |
BTP | Browntrout Publishers | San Francisco / USA | Lighthouse calenders by BrownTrout | 2 | |
CAT | Captain Andrija | Tivat / Montenegro | 3 | ||
CBB | Christophe Boxus | Brussels / Belgium | 6 | ||
CFA | Kees Aalbersberg | Den Helder / Netherlands | C.F. Aalbersberg | Lighthouses by Kees | 183 |
CGB | Cornelia Grosch | Berlin / Germany | 14 | ||
CHC | Tom Champagne | Longhope Island of Hoy / Orkneys | Cantick Head Lighthouse Cottages | Cantick Head Lighthouse Cottages | 2 |
CLO | Captain Romeo Lucero | Ormoc City / Philippines | 26 | ||
CML | Captain Melvin Monsanto | Lapu-Lapu City / Philippines | 15 | ||
CMS | Carlos Maria Silvano | Rafaele / Argentina | Lighthouse visits blog by Carlos | 85 | |
CPC | CeterusParibus | Cornwall / England | Photos by CeterusParibus | 1 | |
CPT | Captain Peter | Taormina / Italy | Peter Mosselberger | 9.035 | |
CTT | Captain Theo | Tampa / USA | 655 | ||
CVI | Steffen Wiedner | Austria | Cargo Vessels International | Cargo Vessels International | 1 |
CWB | Charles W. Bash | Midland, Mi / USA | Lighthouses R Us | 43 | |
DBP | Don Brotherston | Johannesburg / South Africa | Don Brotherston Photography | Lighthouses by Don Brotherston Photography | 30 |
DCA | Darlene Chisholm | Albion / USA | United States Lighthouse Society | 300 | |
DEC | Douglas Cameron | USA | Douglas Ewan Cameron | International lights by the Camerons | 311 |
DML | Danny Morris | Lowestoft / UK | 5 | ||
DSC | Darian Sclaunich | Croatia | Pictures by Darian | 1 | |
DSP | Darren Setlow Photography | Yarmouth, ME / USA | Inn at Cuckolds Lighthouse | 1 | |
ECP | Yle Gal | France | Editions Claude Pastor | Editions Claude Pastor | 1 |
EHH | Erich Hartmann | Hamminkeln / Germany | Deutsche Leuchtfeuer | 637 | |
EHW | Eckhard Meyer | Lübeck / Germany | 3.608 | ||
EIP | L. Stratton | UK | Eastern Illustrating & Publishing | Eastern Illustrating homepage | 1 |
EPI | Philip Plisson | France | Edition Pecheur d'Images | Editions Pecheur d'Images | 2 |
EVI | Efren Valiente | Iloilo City / Philippines | 5 | ||
EVS | Eiland Verlag | Sylt / Germany | Eiland | 3 | |
FFM | Fred Fox | Isle of Man | Lightkeepers Journey | 52 | |
FLT | Felix Lin | Taipei / Taiwan | 276 | ||
FRR | Egidio Ferrighi | Italy | Picture gallery by Egidio | 41 | |
FTD | Ole Henrik Lemvigh | Denmark | Fyrtaarne Denmark | Denmarks Fyrtaaren | 1 |
FTL | Following the lights | Milport / UK | Following the lights | 2 | |
FTS | forest10 | | | 1 | |
GCB | Glieb Chepurniy | Batumi / Georgia | 6 | ||
GDL | Gerd Liedtke | Hitzacker / Germany | Seezeichen an Nord- und Ostsee | 5 | |
GHW | Günther Hess | Wien / Austria | D.P.N.D. Diving Page | 181 | |
GRB | Gundula Rentrop | Bremen / Germany | 1 | ||
HDG | Hans de Graaf | Krk / Croatia | Albertus Johannes de Graaf | Hans' pictures | 103 |
HFK | Heike + Friedrich Klett | Stuttgart / Germany | Picasa pictures | 65 | |
HKB | Hartmut Knape | Bergisch Gladbach / Germany | | 279 | |
HKM | Der Kalenderverlag Mannheim GmbH | Mannheim / Germany | Harenberg Kalender | Calender by Harenberg | 2 |
HLF | Hans-Albert Liebetrau | Felde / Germany | Interessengemeinschaft Seezeichen | 23 | |
HSU | Helmut Seger | Bremerhaven / Germany | Fotocommunity | 112 | |
IDU | Ian Dawson | UK | 11 | ||
IRP | Ina Rendtel | Potsdam / Germany | Arbeitskreis Meteore e. V. | 150 | |
IWU | Ian Wright | UK | Lighthouses by Ian Wright | 9 | |
JDN | Jack Dryden | Newcastle Upon Tyne / UK | | 16 | |
JDP | José Da Palma | Mafra / Portugal | Josés photos of Angola | 440 | |
JEP | John Eagle | Ireland | John Eagle Photography | John Eagle postcards | 38 |
JHO | Jonny Haugstad | Olsvik / Norway | | 6 | |
JHU | John Hinde Photographers | UK | John Hinde (UK) Ltd | John Hinde postcards | 1 |
JJC | Jeffrey James | Canada | 1 | ||
JOM | Jom | Aumühle / Germany | Wikipedia | 1 | |
JPS | Jim Smith | North Vancouver / Canada | 636 | ||
JQF | Jan Queißer | Freital / Germany | Queißers Leuchtturmsammlung | 21 | |
JRU | Joke Reijnen | Uithoorn / Netherlands | My Lights | 6 | |
KHB | Klaus Hülse | Barsinghausen / Germany | Klaus Leuchtturmwelt | 17 | |
KIB | Ingo Becker | Weyhe / Germany | Karin + Ingo Becker | Club of DR Honorary Locomotive Engineers | 1 |
KLA | Kraig Anderson | USA | Kraig L Anderson | Lighthousefriends | 2 |
KPH | Klaus Potschien | Hilden / Germany | 105 | ||
KWM | Karl-Heinz Wellm | Markgrafenheide / Germany | 13 | ||
KWS | Klaus Wolfgang | Stockstadt / Germany | World of Lighthouses | 59 | |
KXJ | Karl Xander Jardeleza | Iloilo City / Philippines | 3 | ||
LAV | LEUCHTTURM-Albenverlag | Germany | | 1 | |
LHD | Lars Henriksen | Denmark | | 5 | |
LKK | Klaus Kern | Rüsselsheim / Germany | LEUCHTFEUER – Klaus Kern | LEUCHTFEUER | 138 |
LPG | Luc Petrelluzzi | Baie Mahault / Guadeloupe | 12 | ||
LPP | Joan und Gary Trigwell | Leander Postcard Publishers | Leander Cards | 4 | |
MAA | Maxi Alonso | Argentina | Picture on | 1 | |
MBN | Mike Boucher | Newburgh / USA | Michael Boucher | New Jersey Lighthouse Society | 1.737 |
MMM | Mike Mahon | Manchester (UK) | flickr page | 2 | |
MPR | Mauro Pancaldi | Rome / Italy | Maupan Photo | 1 | |
MSA | Jurijus Gleikinas | Klaipeda / Lithuania | The Lithuanian Maritime Safety Administration | List of Lights of the MSA | 26 |
MSB | Manfred Schüler | Bremerhaven / Germany | Förderverein Leuchtturm Roter Sand e.V. | 7 | |
MYH | Matthew Yuen | Hong Kong | Hong Kong AtoN Wiki | 54 | |
NKW | Nathalia Knopp | Wuppertal / Germany | 25 | ||
NSB | Dave Watson | South Africa | North Sand Bluff Lighthouse | North Sand Bluff Lighthouse | 1 |
NSY | Nikolai Sokolik | Yalta / Ukraine | 11 | ||
OLL | Alexander Trabas | Duisburg / Germany | Online List of Lights | Online List of Lights | 16.627 |
ONT | Hendrik Martin Porath | Bad Oldesloe / Germany | On Tours – Photos Worldwide | Porath on tours | 207 |
OSO | Oliver Schwarze | Oldenburg / Germany | Hard/Heart-Beat-Radioshow | 1 | |
PDB | Peter Doll | Büttelborn (Germany) | 26 | ||
PLB | Philippe Le Bret | France | Phares du Monde | 14 | |
PRH | Per Roger Henriksen | Dragoer / Denmark | 4 | ||
PWK | Pauline + Wim de Kleine | Netherlands | Sail Yacht Redjeki | 19 | |
RAY | Rainer Arndt | Gifhorn / Germany | 1.649 | ||
RCS | Rogério Cordeiro | Santo Andre / Brasil | Rogérios Hobby shop | 1 | |
RJM | Radosław Janusz Majewski | Szczecin / Poland | 1 | ||
RLT | Riccardo Liga | Terrasini / Italy | Faro Cinque Fari / Facebook | 6 | |
RRH | Renate Riedel | Hilgertshausen / Germany | 15 | ||
RVN | Ron | Vlissingen / Netherlands | Lichtschepen | 1 | |
RVP | Roberto Vongher | Porto S Stefano / Italy | Flickr | 2 | |
RWH | Ronald Wöhrn | Halstenbek / Germany | 285 | ||
SAS | Svein Atle Skarshaug | Norwegen | | 4 | |
SAV | Scott Andrew Vardy | Flamborough / UK | Scott's pictures on Marine Traffic | 104 | |
SJP | Selector Jonathon Photography | Kalamazoo / USA | Selector Jonathon Photography | 85 | |
SMS | Petri Porkola | Finland | Suomen Majakkaseura (The Finish Lighthouse Society) | Lighthouse Society of Finland | 1 |
SVA | Sigurd Vermundsen | Aksdal / Norway | Flickr | 17 | |
SXS | Stephan Hix | Schwelm / Germany | Pharus | 27 | |
TCA | Tom Chisholm | Albion / USA | Lighthouse Digest Magazine | 201 | |
TMQ | Thomas Quatsling | Stralsund / Germany | Thomas-Michael Quatsling | Marine-Malerei Quatsling | 11 |
TPC | Apoloniusz Łysejko | Poland | Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Centralnego Muzeum Morskiego | Polish Homepage of the TPCMM | 1 |
TPH | Thomas Philipp | Heppenheim / Germany | Lights | 215 | |
TPV | Tero-Pekka Vehkaoja | Oulu / Finland | Trainspotter Tero-Pekka | 6 | |
TVO | Teemu Vehkaoja | Oulu / Finland | Teemu's pictures | 45 | |
UBH | Ulrich Bode | Hannover / Germany | 31 | ||
UKW | Uwe Korn | Werningerode / Germany | Interessengemeinschaft Seezeichen | 2 | |
ULI | Uli Knapp | Germany | 63 | ||
VKO | Vladimir Knyaz | Odessa / Ukraine | | 1 | |
VTA | Leo Käärmann | Tallinn / Estonia | Veeteede Amet (Estonian Maritime Administration) | Database of Aids to Navigation | 235 |
WFF | Dr. Werner Furlan | Feldkirch / Austria | OE9FWV | 13 | |
WRH | Ricky Wong | Hong Kong | Flickr | 146 | |
WSW | Werner Seiler | Weinheim / Germany | 135 | ||
WWH | Wolfgang Warncke | Hamburg / Germany | 32 |